
Sybil works by discovering a series of documents as part of the test runner integration. These documents are then parsed into a set of non-overlapping regions. When the tests are run, each Region is turned into an Example that is evaluated in the document’s namespace. The examples are evaluated in the order in which they appear in the document. If an example does not evaluate as expected, a test failure is reported and Sybil continues on to evaluate the remaining examples in the Document.

Test runner integration

Sybil aims to integrate with all major Python test runners. Those currently catered for explicitly are listed below, but you may find that one of these integration methods will work as required with other test runners. If not, please file an issue on GitHub.

To show how the integration options work, the following documentation examples will be tested. They use doctests, code blocks and require a temporary directory:

A fairly pointless function:

.. code-block:: python

  import sys

  def write_message(filename, message):
      with open(filename, 'w') as target:

Now we can use a doctest REPL to show it in action:

>>> write_message('test.txt', 'is this thing on?')
>>> with open('test.txt') as source:
...     print(
is this thing on?


To have pytest check the examples, Sybil makes use of the pytest_collect_file hook. To use this, configuration is placed in a in your documentation source directory, as shown below. pytest should be invoked from a location that has the opportunity to recurse into that directory:

from os import chdir, getcwd
from shutil import rmtree
from tempfile import mkdtemp
import pytest
from sybil import Sybil
from sybil.parsers.codeblock import PythonCodeBlockParser
from sybil.parsers.doctest import DocTestParser

def tempdir():
    # there are better ways to do temp directories, but it's a simple example:
    path = mkdtemp()
    cwd = getcwd()
        yield path

pytest_collect_file = Sybil(

The file glob passed as pattern should match any documentation source files that contain examples which you would like to be checked.

As you can see, if your examples require any fixtures, these can be requested by passing their names to the fixtures argument of the Sybil class. These will be available in the Document namespace in a way that should feel natural to pytest users.

The setup and teardown parameters can still be used to pass Document setup and teardown callables.

The path parameter, however, is ignored.


pytest provides its own doctest plugin, which can cause problems. It should be disabled by including the following in your pytest configuration file:

addopts = -p no:doctest


To have Test Discovery check the example, Sybil makes use of the load_tests protocol. As such, the following should be placed in a test module, say, where the unit test discovery process can find it:

from os import chdir, getcwd
from shutil import rmtree
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from sybil import Sybil
from sybil.parsers.codeblock import PythonCodeBlockParser
from sybil.parsers.doctest import DocTestParser

def sybil_setup(namespace):
    # there are better ways to do temp directories, but it's a simple example:
    namespace['path'] = path = mkdtemp()
    namespace['cwd'] = getcwd()

def sybil_teardown(namespace):

load_tests = Sybil(
    path='../docs', pattern='*.rst',
    setup=sybil_setup, teardown=sybil_teardown

The path parameter gives the path, relative to the file containing this code, that contains the documentation source files.

The file glob passed as pattern should match any documentation source files that contain examples which you would like to be checked.

Any setup or teardown necessary for your tests can be carried out in callables passed to the setup and teardown parameters, which are both called with the Document namespace.

The fixtures parameter is ignored.


Sybil parsers are what extract examples from source files and turns them into parsed examples with evaluators that can check if they are correct. The parsers available depend on the source language of the files containing the examples you wish to check:

  • For ReStructured Text, typically .rst or .txt files, see ReST Parsers.

  • For Markdown, typically .md files, CommonMark, GitHub Flavored Markdown and MyST, along with other flavours, are supported.

  • For Python source code, typically .py files, it depends on the markup used in the docstrings; both the ReST parsers and MyST parsers will work. The source files are presented as PythonDocument instances that import the document’s source file as a Python module, making names within it available in the document’s namespace.

It’s also relatively easy to develop your own parsers as shown in the section below.

Developing your own parsers

Sybil parsers are callables that take a Document and yield a sequence of regions. A Region contains the character position of the start and end of the example in the document’s text, along with a parsed version of the example and a callable evaluator. Parsers are free to access any documented attribute of the Document although will most likely only need to work with text. The namespace attribute should not be modified.

The parsed version can take any form and only needs to be understood by the evaluator.

That evaluator will be called with an Example constructed from the Document and the Region and should return a false value if the example is as expected. Otherwise, it should either raise an exception or return a textual description in the event of the example not being as expected. Evaluators may also modify the document’s namespace or push and pop evaluators.

Example instances are used to wrap up all the attributes you’re likely to need when writing an evaluator and all documented attributes are fine to use. In particular, parsed is the parsed value provided by the parser when instantiating the Region and namespace is a reference to the document’s namespace. Evaluators are free to modify the namespace if they need to.

If you need to write your own parser, you should consult the API Reference so see if suitable lexers already exist for the source language containing your examples.

Failing that, parsers quite often use regular expressions to extract the text for examples from the document. There’s no hard requirement for this, but if you find you need to, then find_region_sources() may be of help.

Worked example

As an example, let’s look at a parser suitable for evaluating bash commands in a subprocess and checking the output is as expected:

.. code-block:: bash

   $ echo hi there
   hi there

Since this is a ReStructured Text code block, the simplest thing we could do would be to use the existing support for other languages:

from subprocess import check_output
from sybil import Sybil
from import CodeBlockParser

def evaluate_bash_block(example):
    command, expected = example.parsed.strip().split('\n')
    assert command.startswith('$ ')
    command = command[2:].split()
    actual = check_output(command).strip().decode('ascii')
    assert actual == expected, repr(actual) + ' != ' + repr(expected)

parser = CodeBlockParser(language='bash', evaluator=evaluate_bash_block)

sybil = Sybil(parsers=[parser], pattern='*.rst')

Another alternative would be to start with the lexer for ReST directives. Here, the parsed version consists of a tuple of the command to run and the expected output:

from subprocess import check_output
from typing import Iterable
from sybil import Sybil, Document, Region, Example
from import DirectiveLexer

from subprocess import check_output

def evaluate_bash_block(example: Example):
    command, expected = example.parsed
    actual = check_output(command).strip().decode('ascii')
    assert actual == expected, repr(actual) + ' != ' + repr(expected)

def parse_bash_blocks(document: Document) -> Iterable[Region]:
    lexer = DirectiveLexer(directive='code-block', arguments='bash')
    for lexed in lexer(document):
        command, output = lexed.lexemes['source'].strip().split('\n')
        assert command.startswith('$ ')
        parsed = command[2:].split(), output
        yield Region(lexed.start, lexed.end, parsed, evaluate_bash_block)

sybil = Sybil(parsers=[parse_bash_blocks], pattern='*.rst')

Finally, the parser could be implemented from scratch, with the parsed version again consisting of a tuple of the command to run and the expected output:

from subprocess import check_output
import re, textwrap
from sybil import Sybil, Region

BASHBLOCK_START = re.compile(r'^\.\.\s*code-block::\s*bash')
BASHBLOCK_END = re.compile(r'(\n\Z|\n(?=\S))')

def evaluate_bash_block(example):
    command, expected = example.parsed
    actual = check_output(command).strip().decode('ascii')
    assert actual == expected, repr(actual) + ' != ' + repr(expected)

def parse_bash_blocks(document):
    for start_match, end_match, source in document.find_region_sources(
        command, output = textwrap.dedent(source).strip().split('\n')
        assert command.startswith('$ ')
        parsed = command[2:].split(), output
        yield Region(start_match.start(), end_match.end(),
                     parsed, evaluate_bash_block)

sybil = Sybil(parsers=[parse_bash_blocks], pattern='*.rst')